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health conditions


Question by  JackieO (19)

Can sciatica pain effect the groin?

I think my sciatica is causing groin pain.


Answer by  marinewife (19)

The sciatic nerve can cause groin pain. The nerve is running through the muscles of the thigh and buttocks and can cause pain anywhere in that general area. The pain could be sharp and stabbing to more of a "pins and needles" type of pain. Please seek medical treatment as I am not a medical doctor.


Answer by  Taran (716)

Sciatica is an extremely painful condition that often low back pain and can effect both lower extremities The symptoms may affect the groin, and can also produce sexual dysfunction.


Answer by  DesertRat (699)

Sciatica pain results from nerves being pinched in an area near the spinal column, and nerve pain can be felt in places far from the actual point of the pinch.


Answer by  agillett (32)

Sciatica pain does not directly affect the groin. You may be experiencing "referred" pain that can affect the buttocks, groin and leg.

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