How do I get rid excess water retention in legs?
Is iron good for a restless leg?
What can you tell me about restless legs and soap?
What could be causing hip pain that radiates down my leg and is so painful it wakes me up at night?
What could be the cause of a five year old with lower leg pain?
What could be wrong if I have pain behind my kneecap and can't walk on that leg?
What is the main cause of swollen feet and legs?
health conditions mental health pain possibilities
Question by dagobert (1)
This all started a week before my wife died. My feet hurt even when I am not standing on them.
Answer by starmlw (960)
Grief can take many forms. No one should try to diagnose themselves during a time of greif. Talk to your doctor.
Answer by champaign9497 (11977)
It could be being caused by the amount of stress you are under and it is effecting your nervouse sysytem throughout your body.
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