

Question by  Mumma (483)

Can infants get hemorrhoids, if so what is the treatment?

I am afraid my baby has hemorrhoids, she has bleeding with almost every bm.


Answer by  treasureteepee (106)

Humans of every age can develop hemorrhoids. In infants, the common cause is constipation caused from iron fortified formula or vitamins containing iron. An appointment with your pediatrician is recommended to evaluate the cause of constipation. They will help you determine the best course of action to prevent further damage.


Answer by  Brittney (1095)

Yes a baby can get hemorrhoids. The best thing you can do is to take her to her doctor. It could be hemmorrhoids, but it could also be that her stool is too hard for her and it is causing her skin to rip. The doctor will be able to perscribe exactly what she needs for treatment.


Answer by  Shiji (128)

yes, infants can get hemorrhoids. if the symptoms occured, consult a pediatrician as soon as possible and must follow the instruction given by him.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Yes, infants can get hemmorrhoids which is often the result of the baby's vein wall not being strong enough. The main cause is usually infant's formula milk. It is recommended that if your baby is experiencing this condition, then you should apply a hemorrhoid cream and contact your doctor. Also, try feeding the baby with mother's milk.

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