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Question by  slave (11)

Can I take CNA classes online?

I do not have time to go to classes.


Answer by  FishGal88 (351)

There are many online schools that offer CNA classes. Before you enroll in any program, be sure that it is accredited in your particular state.


Answer by  patti (29325)

You can take some of the coursework online, but the practicums and labs require your presence in the clinical settings. The CNA program takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on how classes are scheduled.


Answer by  becca63 (325)

Yes, you can be trained online but, each state has different requirements for the amount of clinical hours you will have to do. Your clinical hours though will need to be done in an actual CNA setting. An example would be a nursing home.


Answer by  Gus28 (683)

While it is technically possible to get a CNA degree on line, check with your state requirements since not all states accept CNA on line degrees. You will still have to take a monitored CNA test after completing coursework.


Answer by  Dean (4035)

CNA classes require a lot of hands-on practical work, which cannot be accomplished online. The program, which runs anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, includes a good deal of patient care that requires demonstration and practice, much of which is required in the certification exam.

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