

Question by  John96 (21)

Can I get dsl internet access without ethernet?


Answer by  toastedcheese (216)

If your telephone company offers DSL, you can get it. You might want to set up an ethernet connection from the DSL modem to your computer, but the ethernet cord will probably come your modem - so it's not an investment or anything.


Answer by  Ezequiel (117)

Yes you can get a DSL internet access without your Ethernet port by using wireless internet. However,It will require a wireless modem in your house or you can search for a wireless signal around your house and your computer might have to be equipped with WiFi.


Answer by  nonameguy (41)

DSL internet access is possible with the correct modem type. You will need to find a DSL modem that has USB ability, as well as your computer needs to have an open USB port.


Answer by  steve41 (37)

If you have your DSL modem conected to a wireless router, you can then connect via any wifi capable divice such as a laptop, smartphone, or even a desktop PC with a wifi card.


Answer by  Mal (35)

Yes, but you need some type of network device. It has to either be ethernet or wireless, either way you will need to wire the connection through ethernet to setup the router before you can connect.


Answer by  mindwarp (28)

Yes you can get DSL internet access without using an Ethernet network card. The standard was these days is to have an DSL modem which has a USB port, you then simply plug this into your computer.

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