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Question by  queenbee (4)

Can I design my own house?


Answer by  Jen99 (416)

Sure you can! Design it with a home design program then find a builder/contractor to make your dream in to a reality.


Answer by  EJMCG (75)

You can architectually design your house and you can take your own floor plans to an architect to profesionally draw up for planning approval.


Answer by  LizH (24)

YEs, it is possible to design one own home. However it is best that a prospective home buyer consult with a building professional in order to insure the house is of the highest quality, and is physically able to be built from both a material and safety point of view


Answer by  sinader (8)

Yes, in fact there are many programs to assist you in doing this. If you only want a basic visual idea, Google Sketchup would be perfect, and is free. If you want to get into the more advanced design, try Revit or autoCAD.

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