real estate


Question by  pakuakid (72)

Can I be forced to sign a homeowners association document?

I don't want to be a member.


Answer by  withsmluck (793)

If it is in your deed that the homeowners association is manditory than you will need to follow the association rules. If it is spelled out in your deed, than you are bound to the association by purchasing the property, whether you sign the association document or not. The best time, of course, to clarify this is before you purchase.


Answer by  blahblah (670)

If you buy property in a subdivision with deed restrictions that require you to be a member of the homeowners association, you do have to join.


Answer by  PatWilliams (27)

If you are purchasing or have purchased a home in a community that has a mandatory homeowner's association, then you must be a member in order to own that home. If it is a voluntary homeowner's association, then no, you do not need to become a member or sign any documents.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

It is defined by those homes that are built under the jurisdiction of the home owner's association. If you don't want to belong to an HOA, don't move into one.


Answer by  Devin98 (487)

When you purchase a home in a neighborhood with a HOA you are required to accept the HOA regulations at the closing table. Therefore, yes, you have to sign in order to close.


Answer by  Anonymous

But if you buy a house which has no association on the deed, you can't be forced to sign several years after purchase by the "neighbors" who want, but don't have an existing association; correct?

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