pet health


Question by  karia12 (95)

Can gerbils get fleas?

How do you get rid of them?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

It is more likely mites than fleas. Take your gerbil to a trained exotics vet (with experience in rodents - not an ordinary cat/dog vet who might prescribe unsafe meds and will not be knowledgable) for a check up to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.


Answer by  tess32 (40)

Yes a gerbil can get fleas if they are transferred from a dog or cat and get into the cage of the gerbil. Treat the gerbil with flea shampoo and a flea powder meant for gerbils, and clean cage with bleach and hot water, throw bedding away. A flea free cage insures a flea free gerbil.

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