

Question by  jths81367 (12)

Can dogs tell that you do not like them?

I do not understand how dogs know when you are afraid or do not like them.


Answer by  ghostech (16)

Dogs are very good at reading a person's body language. They communicate with each other by their own body language. Most animals do this as well. They can "sense" fear in a person due to the hormones being released from the body but typically they are sensing your movements and physical reactions to them.


Answer by  annie52foof (1459)

I think dogs sense if you do not like them. They know fear and may even realize they have a hold on you and can be the top dog


Answer by  Taylor (863)

Yes, actually dogs have other senses that science still has yet to determine what they are, however it is known that when you are scared your body releases a particular scent that dogs can in fact smell.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

Yes. They can read body language just like human beings can. If you are tense or nervous around dogs they will know it.

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