

Question by  Josh41 (113)

Can dogs get cold sores?


Answer by  mb (5482)

Yes. There are many diffrent strains of the Herpes Simplex virus and some are carried by dogs. Usually they can't be passed from human to dog or vice versa though.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

Yes they can. They can catch herpes simplex, but it usually isn't so bad for them. Though if they breed it will end up either killing the puppies or making them go blind. Though not many get sores on their mouth.


Answer by  Kriket (1029)

Not specifically. Dogs do not have lips. Dogs can get Hepatitis and have sores around their mouth and anus. Biting their own mouth and scratches are more common. Be sure to check with a vet.


Answer by  Anonymous

Cold sores are a type of Herpes on the lip, it is a human disease and cannot be passed to dogs or in vice versa.


Answer by  aruns (4)

Yes. They can get cold sores. And the best thing to do about it is keep it drinking water and go to your local vet. They have things for that. But be careful! Cold sores are contagious! It takes about 10 days for it to heal. The only time that you need to go get medicine

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