health conditions


Question by  boopathimettur (10)

Can an ear infection cause dizziness?


Answer by  John (9008)

Dizziness is actually a pretty common side effect of a serious ear infection. Our sense of balance is governed by the semi-circular canals, which are located in the inner ear. Thus, a serious infection, especially one that causes swelling or otherwise affects the inner ear, can often cause dizziness or loss of balance.


Answer by  newgeneration (699)

Yes, an ear infection can easily cause dizziness, as well as vertigo. Ear infections can be caused by bacteria or viruses, including common colds and flu, and the dizziness may not go away until the other disease is gone. For a viral inner-ear infection, a doctor might prescribe tranquilizers, plus anti-nausea medication for nausea caused by the dizziness or vertigo.


Answer by  vex (117)

The ear houses a labyrinth that contains fluid, which help you control balance and determine motion, rotation, and position. When the area becomes infected, the normal processes of the inner ear becomes disrupted, so it is very likely that dizziness will occur. However, an ear infection does not always cause dizziness, nor does dizziness always imply the presence of infection.


Answer by  myhelle (72)

Your ears help in maintaining balance. An earache can affect your equalibrium and cause dizziness because your inner ears detect movement.

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