united states


Question by  Baubles (11)

Can a US felon travel to Denmark?


Answer by  kp671 (56)

As a US citizen, you do not need a visa to travel to Denmark. Denmark is a Schengen country, and as long as you are not registered as an undesirable in the Schengen Information System and have a valid US passport, you should be able to enter the country. You can stay in the region for a maximum 90 days.


Answer by  meki (41)

Depending on what crime he/she has commited the Danish authorities shall decide whether this individual is allowed to enter Denmark. This person should contact the Danish Embassy before planning his trip.


Answer by  gary23 (130)

Not easy. If he is on parole he is not allowed to leave his State until completion of terms. Also a passport is required to travel abroad. I think he is not eligible for a passport. He or she will have a hard time to do so with homeland security.


Answer by  cangel818 (981)

If you can get a passport than you can travel to Denmark. The thing is getting the passport. If you have been convicted of a felony in the US your passport will be amended with your FBI spn#. They also send this information to interpol which will inform the police in the country you are visiting that you are coming.

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