

Question by  mpelle (343)

At what age does puberty end?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

It depends on when you start puberty, and the length of time also varies from person to person; it can last anywhere between 1-6 years.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Puberty ends when adulthood begins. This is usually at age 18 for most, though it may come as early as 17 and as late as age 20.


Answer by  Richa (35)

Puberty ends at 50 years of age. This is the optimum age for puberty to end. However age is different for both boys and girls.

posted by Anonymous
God help anyone that is still experiencing puberty when they're in their 40s!  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous


Reply by notorious (249):
Ha! Let's hope it doesn't last that long for anyone! Though, I know a couple people in their 30s that seem to behave as though they're still going through it!  add a comment
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