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Question by  rachie (38)

Are walking stick bugs venomous?


Answer by  lexuslady315 (635)

No, they are not venomous at all. With proper setup a walking stick requires relatively no care at all. They make great pets.


Answer by  splicelover (176)

Walking sticks are not venomous and they do not bite at all. They are very friendly bugs that look like sticks. They will not harm you in any way, trust me.


Answer by  AJ (112)

Generally, most walking stick species are harmless, and do not bite or sting. However, there are a few species which may pinch, or spray nasty chemicals. For example, the species Anisomorpha buprestoides, found in southeast North America, can spray an acidic chemical which can cause extreme irritation to the eyes. But in general, walking sticks are safe.


Answer by  HMH (44)

Several different species of stick insects exist, some have the ability to spray poison when threatened, which can cause irritation. Most are harmless and can even be kept as pets.

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