health conditions


Question by  slhart (72)

Are there some herbal treatments for fibroid tumors?


Answer by  rara (41)

For women with fibroids, herbs are only a partial cure, but they are a great treatment choice. Herbs such as Yarrow, Cinnamon and Nettles can be consumed through an infusion beginning about 5 days before the menstrual cycle.Other herbs such as Yam, Ginger and Willow can also help by combining with other remedies.


Answer by  Lori (57)

As someone who had five grapefruit-sized fibroid tumors, I tried almost everything to get rid of them, from menopause injections to aspirin therapy. Nothing worked but a hysterectomy unfortunately.


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

There are most likely some herbal treatments for fibroid tumors, but they have not been proven effective. The FDA does not do testing for herbs like the do for medications.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Unfortunately, I do not know of any herbal treatments for these tumours. You have to go to the doctor to get a prescription. That is your best bet and remedy. Going to the doctor for a serious problem is your only solution so just act and go to the doctor.


Answer by  mrsmyers (474)

There are a lot of treatments that are natural that can be used to treat fibroid tumors. They include such things as licorice root, red clover, motherswort, and red raspberry. Aside from herbal treatments you can use other natrual treatments like good old fashion exercise to help with fibroid tumors.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

Yes there are some easy things you can do that may help. Starting an exercise program, eating 3 or more servings of whole grain or beans daily and, using warm castor oils packs on the belly.


Answer by  ubcmed (185)

The basic principle is that fibroids are stimulated to grow by estrogens, so anything that lowers them will shrink them.

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