health conditions


Question by  MKinSA (10)

Are hormones related to vertigo?


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

Vertigo is primarily a neurological symptom that most often arises from infections or damage within the inner ear or as a side-effect from certain medications that can affect your brain. Theoretically, however, any hormone that can directly or indirectly affect your blood pressure cold lead to neurological symptoms.


Answer by  mb (5482)

There is no proven relationship between hormonal levels and vertigo. Vertigo is genrally a circulatory or blood pressure related problem.

posted by Anonymous
i dont agree. i get vertigo every other month on the 1st day of my period. the only thing that helped was a water pill 3 days b/f and 4 days a/t my cycle.  add a comment

Answer by  hawesy (10)

i went to my gp and asked about htis as i have vertigo and mine is from too muc eostrgen in my body but can also be caused by headaches due to hormone change , and im on tablet now n getting back to normal best to as your gp


Answer by  angiem1981 (1059)

Hormones do not directly affect vertigo. Ear infections, dehydration, diabetes, and several other diseases/disorders can typically be responsible for this.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

I don't think hormones are related to vertigo, I think it might be something in your inner ear making the vertigo happen, but you should talk to your doctor about it, the doctor will be able to help you out with your vertigo. The doctor can give you something to help with it.

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