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Question by  skuxxmeh (12)

Are GED records open to the public?

I need to find out about someone.


Answer by  elb (1105)

All academic records, including a GED, can only be released with the signed consent of the former student. Such consent is included on job and college applications, so potential employers or educational institutions can verify the person's status. Individuals are generally restricted from gaining access to the educational records of other individuals, although they can get access with written permission.


Answer by  Squeaks289 (273)

The short answer is no. GED records are not open to the public. If you're an employer, you can request a transcript. You could try calling the school to see if they have a record of the student, you may be able to find out if they earned the GED that way.


Answer by  nicole31 (67)

No. If you would like to find information on someones GED status they need to provide you with the certificate.


Answer by  xsut (943)

It depends on the state, it is not too hard to discover if someone has a GED or not. In regards to the actual score, that most likely is private.

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