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Question by  Mari (134)

Are Forfex clippers worth it?

I want a great pair of clippers.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Yes, their worth it. They don't pull, they cut clean and are easy to use. It's worth paying a little more for something that you will use indefinetly.


Answer by  sweet (29)

Forfex clippers are definitely worth your dollars. They are very efficient, the grip is just of the right comfort and the clippers give precise cuts.


Answer by  mani (813)

Comparing all other major brand clippers, forex is best. It gives quickest and smoothest hair cut. Several additional useful sets, which are not mentioned in the cataloge, are given.


Answer by  Bee92 (82)

Absolutely. The result of a job is only as good as the quality of the tools you use to do it. Forfex are among the finest clippers available. Buy them!


Answer by  Chris11779 (36)

they are not worth it at all what a piece of crap i spend over $30 on my and they never worked like they were supposed to.


Answer by  jayhawk (16)

Yes, they are. I have a pair and have been very pleased with them. They are well worth the cost.

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