


Question by  worker73 (61)

A pleco is a fish, a bottom fish who needs to be fed like any other. It died, but I was wondering what other fish would made good tankmates for one.


Answer by  mrdeleo (69)

Pleco's get along with almost all fish. It is not concerned with the other fish in the tank and will simply go about his business and help keep the tank clean. I would recommend cichlids, goldfish, mollies, silver dollars, or any other well known fish available in your local petstore.


Answer by  Znufoc01 (227)

Plecostomuses are peaceful so almost any other peaceful fish gets along with it. Also, plecos get very large, so as they get older, you can place them in larger tanks with larger fish. Bear in mind that they are algae eaters, and not neccessarily scavengers like other bottom feeders.

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