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Question by  Slush (41)

Will spinosad kill bagworms?


Answer by  steverino (275)

Spinosad is an effective insecticide for killing bagworms, such as what is in Conserve or some Ferti-lome products. Spinosad will be especially effective by either ingestion or contact. The insecticide whould be applied about two weeks after hatching, to allow the larvae to complete the ballooning process. If you really want to enjoy the killing, use Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew.


Answer by  wormlady (7)

Spinosad is an approved killer of bagworms. Spinosad will be effective either by ingestion or contact. Spinosad is more effective if sprayed on trees before the bagworms has reached it larval state. Good luck!


Answer by  JodiJ (312)

Spinosad is one of the insecticides specifically designed to kill bagworms. It is most effective if sprayed on trees before the worms reach the larval stage. Look for worms on trees in early spring.


Answer by  huluman (23)

Yes, it most likely would, although it would not be the most efficient method. I would contact a specialist for the best products


Answer by  mano (76)

Yes the spinospad will kill the bagworms but it is known that the older the bagworms get,the harder to kill them with this chemical.


Answer by  sandy47 (17)

The answer to your question is Yes ,Common insecticides to use to kill bagworms are as followed Carbaryl also known as sevin dust , or as you suggested Spinosad (Fertilome Borer and Bagworm Killer).


Answer by  MikeyJoe (0)

Spinosad is an amazing insecticide that kills by both contact and ingestion. While it is true that there is a window of opportunity, anyone who can read directions will have no problem using this product. Spinosad is derived from a naturally occuring soil dwelling bacterium and approved for ORGANIC GARDENING!!

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