

Question by  Cheryl61 (48)

Will my motorcycle be messed up if I take out my baffles?


Answer by  Allstar (2071)

Probably. The baffles aid in cooling the engine. Without, the engine will probably overheat. IT causes premature wear on all of the parts and can lead to failure.


Answer by  Lordschild (1398)

Not unless your engine was desgined to run with added back pressure. Most motorcycles do not seem to be negatively affected.Just don't get a ticket for the noise.


Answer by  nav (24)

No,nothing will happen to your motorcycle because baffles are just used to produce new sound and to emit exhaust easily.Removing it will cause the exhaust to clog up.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

It could make the air fuel ration be slightly off but it would definitely make the bike sound obnoxious and loud.

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