
 taxes  when


Question by  gege (12)

Will it take over 4 weeks to process IRS Form 8379?

I'm in a bit of a hurry, and want to know how long this will take.


Answer by  Chaneygirl (1755)

It will take well over 4 weeks to process this form. According to the instructions, if filed with the tax return, it will take 14 weeks if mailed and 11 weeks if electronically filed. If filed separately after a tax return has been filed, it will take 8 weeks. This for takes more processing time than most others.


Answer by  cgroverla (516)

The IRS states that it will take between 11 and 14 weeks to process if you file the form with a tax return, or 8 weeks if filed by itself.


Answer by  grannypat2 (26)

File the form with your tax return and it should take the filing time of a tax return with a refund due. If you have already filed your return and they took your refund then you must file form 8379 and it could possibly take 4 weeks or more to receive your refund.


Answer by  sbohanon (36)

In 2009, if the taxpayer files Form 9379 with a hard copy (paper) of the joint return, the process time is about 14 weeks. If filed electroniclly, about 11 weeks.

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