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Question by  Andrea33 (29)

Why will my toddler not have a bowel movement in the potty?

My toddler will not have a bm in the potty.


Answer by  Weird (13)

Some toddlers feel that they are leaving a part of them in the toilet. I know weird, but true. Just talk to them and try to prepare them for future training and try training again in a month. Remember everyone has learned how to use the toilet and your child will too.


Answer by  Cali2307 (1337)

Learning this is seperate from learning how to urinate. How young is your toddler? Help him to understand the signs for a bowel movement. Make sure he's not constipated.


Answer by  John (9008)

This is a normal part of the toilet training process. Learning to control urination is different from learning to control bowel movements. This will resolve itself in time.


Answer by  AnneM (16)

Toddlers are afraid to have a bowel movement because they believe it's a part of them. They then flush part of themselves down the toilet. It's scary and a type of control they can have. They'll do it when they're ready without too much pressure.

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