


Question by  Kristina (22)

Why is puppy breath so horrid?


Answer by  surveyjeppson (90)

What you are smelling is bacterial digestive enzymes that the puppy's body is creating in order to digest solid food instead of milk.


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

Usually puppies breath isnt horrid. Its when they get to be older that they start to have bad breath. If your puppy had bad breath you need to check into what you are feeding it and if this is the correct thing to be giving it.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

I just can't give you a reason for this- I cringe every time Pierre gives me kisses. Most importantly make sure their teeth are taken care of, there are certain treats you can buy to help, otherwise I just have to figure my breath probably stinks to them too.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Puppies get really bad breath when they are teething. Dog breath in general is pretty bad because they are always eating a bunch of things that you don't really want them to.

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