


Question by  anand (36)

Why is my herding puppy constantly biting?

My puppy is always biting.


Answer by  Teresa32 (314)

Because your puppy is just acting instinctively and trying to herd you. This is what herding dogs do with sheep and cattle. They are great dogs.


Answer by  DarlingMother (43)

All puppies bite. This is how they learn about their environment. It's similar to how a human baby puts everything in their mouth. He's also teething. Provide plenty of toys of various textures for him to chew on. When he tries to chew on you, offer him a chew toy instead.


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

Puppies explore the world with their teeth. To stop biting, yell ouch loudly and walk away ending the game. Don't use violence. It's a herding dogs nature to use their teeth to grip livestock. They also chase and nip children, vaccuums, bikes and cars. Obedience training at a young age using positive methods is the only way to avoid problems.


Answer by  Evolutius (100)

Your puppy may be teething and is biting to relieve pain and help his teeth come through his gums. I recommend you get him some chew toys and discipline him if he is biting people or other animals you don't want him to bite.


Answer by  nina87 (62)

Maybe he/she is teething.Try giving him/her something to bite on,avoid nearing your hand to it's mouth.It's a bad habit and you have to teach him/her that biting people is wrong!

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