health conditions


Question by  Miika (23)

Why is my first bowel movement in the morning so hard?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

If you eat late in the day, but don't drink water regularly, everything you have taken is sitting in your system for hours, with no hydration. Drink Water.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

Hard bowel movements in the morning can be caused by several things. Lack of fluid intake and minimal motion during the night could be the cause. Stool softeners could help.


Answer by  jaison23 (172)

Due to lack of fibre in the diet the stools becomes very hard and the bowel movement gets slow, thus constipation arises. Take lots of food that contains fibre content.


Answer by  si7878 (22)

Everyone is different. It all depends on your diet of what you eating, you maybe eating the wrong foods which can create your first bowel movement to be hard.

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