Can a female cat spray?
Do male cats go into heat?
Do male cats pee a lot?
What could be the cause of blood in the urine of a female cat?
What could cause bloody urine in my cat?
What do you call male cats and female cats?
Why does a female cat develop a stomach bag?
cats why
Question by meriba (103)
She's 4 years old, and she just started doing it.
Answer by bubbyboy (9929)
Sometimes a female cat that has not been spayed will spray when she is in heat. She's telling the male cats that she's there.
Answer by malzoo (29)
A reason your cat could be spraying is because she is marking her territory. When cats are used to their area and feel threatened they may urine to mark it.
Answer by YouKnowMyName (32)
Even spayed females can (and will) spray. It is a dominance issue---do you have any other cats in the area?
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