

Question by  Anonymous

Why is my dvd burner burning dvds really slow?


Answer by  e36 (170)

When you start burning a DVD, you may be prompted to pick the speed of burning - you should pick the fastest speed possible. Some DVDs have to be burnt in "realtime" however, ie an hour long video would take an hour to burn.


Answer by  ztron (4)

There may be many factors - few of them are your drivers, the software you are using for burning etc.


Answer by  amitza (16)

Make sure you have the latest firmware, drivers and burning software - all of which are located on the website of the maker of the DVD burner.


Answer by  Vic (38)

Slow DVD are a common problem for computers, especially computers that are fairly old. Sometimes it is a simple answers that can solve your problem. Try to make sure you computer is not too hot. Hard drive fans overheat, especially when the fan is blocked up against a wall or in a corner.


Answer by  Wilson (32)

There could be a few reasons and these are the most common: -Your computer is running out of memory, so try closing as most programs as possible while burning. -Your DVD Burner is old. The new ones should burn a whole DVD in about 15 minutes so, if it's taking too long, maybe you should upgrade.


Answer by  Smith123 (14)

A copy protection format known as Starforce has been known to slow down optical drives on PC's. Starforce is installed with some CD/DVD PC games.

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