

Question by  dingo (12)

Why is my dog panting and pacing?


Answer by  Rajesh (329)

It is usually because of pain it will show restless and will be panting and pacing. Many conditions are their that cause pain and discomfort.


Answer by  choctaw (361)

Does your dog have water and shade if outdoors? Has your dog ingested a poisonus substance? If indoors, is your dog bored and needing attention?


Answer by  chris70 (301)

Dogs usally pant as their way to "sweat" which can be caused by over exertion, heat or by simply being over weight.


Answer by  Amy21 (460)

Dogs will pant and pace if they are nervous or if they need to go out and relieve themselves.Ususaly if you know your dog you know what they need

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