

Question by  codyligon (107)

Why is my cat throwing up her food?


Answer by  sandiegorvt (42)

There are many causes of vomiting in cats. Causes can range from something as innocuous as a hairball, or could be a serious condition such as kidney failure or cancer. Consult your veterinarian.


Answer by  ConSue (69)

I have found that eating too fast or too much to be the most common reason. Other reasons may include but are not limited to: hair balls, nervousness, stress, ingestion of poisonous foods or plants and specific feline diseases.


Answer by  DanielleK (535)

Cats have a very sensative digestive system and its possible she has eaten something in your house that has upset her stomach. Watch to make sure she is still eating and drinking, and if it persists, take her to a vet to make sure it's not something serious.


Answer by  BigMike (16)

My cat is throwing up her food because she is in kidney failure. The vet diagnosed her today. This also explains the other accidents she has been having around the house lately.

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