pet health


Question by  rfd (19)

Why does my pug have blood in her urine?


Answer by  Ellen48 (40)

Your pug may have a urinary tract infection, or UTI. Like humans, canines can contract UTI's. The standard treatment for a UTI is antibiotic therapy, prescribed by a veterinarian.


Answer by  Anster (47)

There could be all sorts of reasons for that. It might or might not be very serious. Perhaps only a minor infection (like humans, dogs can get UTIs) or it might be something serious such as kidney problems. The best thing to do is to take your pug into a vet, or call the vet's office to ask when.


Answer by  Samantha57 (391)

One of the most common causes of blood in the urine is a bacterial infection in the bladder or urethra. However, it can be a sign of a more serious problem, so you should collect the urine in a sterile container and bring it and your pug to the veterinarian.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

There are many causes of blood in a dog's urine including a bladder/kidney/urinary tract infection or intestinal blockage, all of which are dangerous if left untreated. Or it could be that she is in heat. To be safe, take her to a vet as soon as possible; even waiting around for an internet answer could be fatal.

Reply by sha22sarah (0):
Already taken my pug to the vets, had 1 course of antibiotics, 2nd course wouldnt take. Given another injection still bleeding when passing urine. Is not in season as has been DONE. Anyone got any ideas plz?  add a comment
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