

Question by  Monique26 (1)

Why does my injured leg get red hot and swollen when I'm walking on it, but not while I sleep?


Answer by  rmahoney1097 (98)

Your leg gets red hot and swollen while walking around due to the blood flow, and pressure exerted by gravity. While walking you are utilizing more of your leg and pushing blood down. While laying down and sleeping your blood flows freely throughout your body.


Answer by  Cheryl61 (48)

A leg injury could become more swollen while walking due to an increased blood flow to your leg. Gravity mayalso play a role.


Answer by  Manda (1103)

If your leg is injured, it will hurt if you try to use it. When you're sleeping, youre not using your leg so it wont hurt.


Answer by  ToralDwivedi (606)

Your injured leg must be having some internal bleeding blood vessel. Please go to the doctor and get your leg investigated by arteriography and Doppler methods to detect bleeding point. It is also possible that inguinal lymph nodes have been blocked due to some reason. There is also a possibility of varicose veins.

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