

Question by  Balaji (325)

Why does my dog have white feces?


Answer by  boxers3 (550)

Does your dog eat bones? White feces are generally caused from eating bones or a raw diet. Are they dry and crumbly? This should be nothing to worry about if bones are fed, if not check with your vet.


Answer by  tjwltrs (109)

White feces can be an indicator of change in the digestive system be it a disease or change in diet. Review what your dog has eaten in the last couple of days to rule a change in diet and make a vet appointment for a parasite check.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

White feces in a dog can mean a lack of something in their diet. Some medications can also make the feces white. If it continues, take the dog to it's vet.


Answer by  cb31 (226)

White feces is not a good sign. This can be anything from dehydration to kidney issues. Either way, this is a reason to make an immediate vet appointment.


Answer by  usagkthompson (273)

Dogs` feces will be white if they have eaten something they should not have. Such things as paper towels and kleenex will go through their digestive system and come out mostly intact making the feces whitish. Bones can also do this.


Answer by  Dennis59 (86)

White feces are associated with eating alot of bones. The bone marrow causes some chemical reaction in your dogs digestive system and causes your dog to have white dry feces. he will also drink alot of water. don't allow him more bones and the problem should go away by itself.


Answer by  Edward (115)

Could be the result of something he ate (stuffed toy filling) or worms. Take a sample to your vet to make sure.

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