


Question by  teeyah (22)

Why does my dog have bleeding elbows?


Answer by  Kris (797)

It might be elbow hygroma, or sore patches and possible swelling caused by repeat injury. If you have a large animal, they can hit their elbows forcefully enough when lying down on hard surfaces to cause irritation over time. Buy a soft pet bed to cushion pet's elbows, and see vet for appropriate care. Fitted bandage may be needed.


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

It could be that the dog is licking themselve's raw. It also could be due to that they are doing what I like to call a slide across the carpetings. It could be as simple as an allergy to something on the ground that they are laying on. They could be allergice to chemicals also.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

More than likely it is due to extremly dry skin. And when the skin dries out that bad and the dog moves its leg to lay down or get up it pulls the skin and it cracks open and bleeds.


Answer by  Rajesh (329)

It could be having some allergy to the ground they are laying on or because of the lying carpets or to chemicals also. It also could due to that they are doing the slide across the carpetings or if they lick their elbows under raw condition also it will be bleeding.

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