

Question by  tnfox (23)

Why do my eyes keep watering?


Answer by  Anonymous

maybe its a type of face cream or lotion that you have reacted to. it could also be makup. Avoid applying any product around your eye area as it is very sensitive. you should wash your eyes regularly, especially after going out due to bacteria, dust, dirt... or go doctors!


Answer by  Anonymous

When you blink, the tears from your tear glands are spread all over the surface of your eyes. They then drain away through tiny openings called punctum on the upper and lower inside corners of your eyelid edges, these punctums may get blocked due to infection.


Answer by  Anonymous

It could be because you are short sighted and when you look aat things from far you can see it blurry. Therefore, the best thing you can do is either get glasses or have an operation


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Your eyes water to keep the eyeball clean. It is a natural defence your body has. If they are watering there maybe something in the eye and your system is trying to clear the foreign body. The tear ducts may not be working properly could be blocked or something else.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

A number of things can cause eyes to become over watery. One is foreign objects. Eyelashes, dirt and debris can slip past your lashes and into you eyes easily. Allergies can cause watery eyes as well. Check outside you home and work for pollen, new flowers, trees and pets. New allergies can also occur to check with a doctor.


Answer by  Katie57 (169)

There could be many reasons for your watering eyes. The most obvious reason would be allergies. This can be remedied with an antihistamine. Your eyes also could be watering due to an irritant. You may have come into contact with a chemical or other substance. If this is the case, your eyes could be watering to flush out the irritant.


Answer by  Anonymous

my Eyes Started to Water During The Day..So I Took Of Any Makeup On My Eyes. After A Couple Of Seconds My Eyes Stopped Watering. Also Try Not Staring A Things (A Computer Screen), Go In A Dark Room For a While Hope This Helped :)


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

One possibility is that this is an allergic reaction to something in your local environment. Take Benadryl to test this possibility. It may also be a reaction to too bright lights in the room. Try dimming the lights to see if this solves the problem. If you wear contacts, that may be the cause.


Answer by  fida (-2)

Sir my eye is always keep watering


Answer by  Anonymous

It could also be due to lack of sleep


Answer by  fida (-2)

I am very thin

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