

Question by  Derbyboo (442)

Why do my 2-week-old puppies have scabs and puss spots on their bellies?


Answer by  puppygal (35)

These spots are probably the location of the 'belly button' where the umbilical cord was once attached. This area should have been treated with iodine shortly after birth to prevent these problems. Please contact your veterinarian for treatment and advice.


Answer by  jamie1 (291)

This is obviously unhealthy and could lead to an infection in the pups and maybe even further health problems you should take them to a vet.


Answer by  tmoney (176)

Their skin is still sensitive from being born. The area where the umbilical cord attached may have a scab from the lost cord and from the mother dog cleaning the area with her tongue. Also, since they are still very small, their bellies probably bump on the ground a lot since they have short legs and puppies tend to be uncoordinated and play a lot.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

It could be some sort of infection and it is best to take them in to a vet to have it looked over. If it is an infection it could be easily treated with antibiotics. If left untreated it could get worse.

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