

Question by  SapphireOrchid (22)

Why do I have ringing in my ears?


Answer by  Scott93 (119)

A constant ringing sound in the ears, referred to as "Tinnitus," can have many causes. One common cause is exposure to loud noise, which can permanently damage the nerves in the ears. Other causes are: high blood pressure, diseases of the inner ear, hypothyroidism, Lyme disease, ear wax buildup, fluid in the ears, infections, and certain medications.


Answer by  katherineagmailcom (140)

There could be several reasons. You could have an ear infection, sinus problems (yes they could affect your ear canal! ), or maybe you were at a loud concert or sports event? If you have allergies or the start of a cold right now, that would explain it. If you have itching or other discomfort, see a doctor!


Answer by  firefighter38310 (430)

Tinnitus has so many causes. some antibiotics. aspirin. loud noises is the case with me. constant ear infections. you can try to get help and i hope you do; the cures are rare and acceptance is best choice. the first year i took xanax and now im used to it


Answer by  Robbie37 (93)

There are a number of reasons that one can have ringing in the ears overexposure to loud noise, anatomical or physiologic problems with the inner ear, or even salicylate (or aspirin) overdose can result in ringing in the ears. Ringing in the ears can also be idiopathic, meaning having no known cause.


Answer by  Danie (993)

The best way for you to find out is to see an ear, nose and throat specialist. They can prescribe something to help you while your ear issue heals itself. Ideally it will be only a couple of more days until your ear will be back to normal once again.

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