


Question by  Anonymous

Why do apples turn brown?


Answer by  Sinefey (457)

It happens when the enzyme polyphenol oxidase gets exposed to oxygen. Cutting the apple (or potato) basically slices some of those enzymes open and exposes them to oxygen, turning brown.


Answer by  roshini (5)

iron containing chemicals inside apple cells react with oxygen in the air. that is oxidation happened in that part. the chemical reaction between air and the chemicals inside the apple is the reason which turn brown


Answer by  Anita27 (656)

Apples turn brown when they come into contact with the air. Lemon juice helps, but for best results wait until right before serving to cut them.


Answer by  Anonymous

there is no proof that it is oxygen that the apple reacts with, it could be the carbon dioxide, the nitrogen or the oxygen in the air.

posted by Anonymous
The chemical reaction is well understood. It's an oxidation reaction.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

Apples look red to me


Answer by  Anonymous

Just eat the apple quickly before it turns brown


Answer by  Anonymous

It happens when you break the cell wall of an apple


Answer by  Anonymous

How do apples turn brown


Answer by  Anonymous

coz when you ate the apple it turned brown cuz of u


Answer by  Anonymous

coz of bella


Answer by  Anonymous

because i c u bernie!


Answer by  Sabrina (-4)

cause they do and no one can do anything to make them stay crunchy so just suck it up! :) That was only 20 words ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha now i have 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ohno

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