

Question by  helma (34)

Why did they start prohibition?

What did they hope to achieve?


Answer by  tcat (769)

Men were doing alot of drinking. It was having a negative impact on women, wives, children and the family in general. Money was spent at the bar, not on families.


Answer by  sylsia (510)

The idea of prohibition was started in Massachusetts long before it was spread to the rest of the country, the idea behind it was that many religious and pious groups believed alcohol was a sin an an abuse of gifts given by God.


Answer by  Chris48 (475)

The prohibition movement was closely tied to the women's suffrage movement. Many suffragists were reacting to the (at least perceived) harmful effects of alcohol on the family. Tthe prohibition movement was around before the 1848 Seneca Falls Conference and the Women's Christian Temperance Union formed in 1873. One argument against women's suffrage was their support for prohibition.

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