
 money  why


Question by  VickorRobinson (19)

Why are there bicentennial quarters from 1975 *and* 1976?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

The United States of America was declared its own country in 1775 and the Declaration of Independence signed in 1776. Bicentennial means two centuries, or 200 years. The bicentennial quarters were made 200 years after the founding of the nation to celebrate it's milestone.


Answer by  BrianSJ (524)

There are no bicentennial quarters dated 1975. Before the 1975 quarters, half dollars, and dollars were minted, it was decided to have all of them dated 1976 with commemorative designs.


Answer by  Turkwork (1150)

The original minting for bicentennial coinage begin in 1975. At some point during the minting process it was decided that the minting would continue until December 31, 1976. So there are bicentennials for both 1975 and 1976.

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