
 eating  why


Question by  4lizzieb (120)

Why are people vegan?


Answer by  John (9008)

People are vegan for a variety of different reasons, and they vary with the individual. Some are vegan because they believe that it is immoral to kill animals for food. Others do it for health reason. Still others do it for environmental reasons (clearing land for cattle ranching is one of the biggest destroyers of the rain forest).

posted by Anonymous
Catlle ranching has the least impact on the rain forrest than anythign esle. It is not only not immoral to kill animals for food, medical use, and clothing....but is the reason why they are here on this planet.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
amen to that brother.  add a comment

Answer by  plynn (28)

I am vegan and I feel great!!! - I have more energy and can think clearly - I don't have shortness of breath or cough all the time - I also don't eat fats or oils - I love it for all the health, moral, ecological reasons - and have lost 25 pounds.

posted by Anonymous
It's called... working out. Do it and you can eat whatever...  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

because they don't care about being healthy and strong, science has shown that their are proteins and more things that you can only get from eating animals (chicken, blah blah blah...), but hey, don't get me wrong, more food for us, u stay vegan and we'll stay NORMAL ........

posted by Anonymous
and what "science" journal did you get this info from? Have you ever heard of protein combining? hemp? yep, these are proteins not from meat that are complete. educate yourself before you speak or you will just sound dumb!  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Meat is nessesary for proper protein intake. Soy and legumes are not a suitable substitue.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
and science also proven that a human body is 100% omnivore... You dont need more protein than you can get from vegetables.. Too much protein is bad..  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

Every creature in this world wants to live as much as I do. I feel that it is ignorant, selfish, immoral, and cruel to live a life that makes up of pain, suffering, and death of others, especially those who are less capable than I am. Let us all live!

posted by Anonymous
Be thankful that animals were around during the cavemen times for our ancestors to eat. Unless you're a firm believer of God magically poofing us here to eat collard greens.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Those "creatures" all eat each other as determoned by the natural food chain. It's normal. It's right. Humas are part of that and shoudl eat animals.  add a comment

Answer by  kiwee87 (141)

Vegans have many different reasons for why they chose to be vegan. Some are opposed to harming animals, some don't like the meat and animal-based industry business practices, some do it to be healthy, and some just don't like the taste of animal products.


Answer by  Anonymous

For ethical, religious, personal, health, or environmental reasons. Veganism is strict, but very good for you. Vegans live 10 years longer than the average person. And vegans are 98% less likely to be obese than the average American!

posted by Anonymous
No, Vegans don't live longer than the rest of us, but i have no doubt it SEEMS like it.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
I've actulally seen first hand that vegans don't live as long as non vegans. There will be the few who post how healthy and alert they are but the fact remains that most are not healthy. they are typically weak and even sickly. You should never need suppliments either.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
if one is takign dietary suppliments.....the one is not eatign properly. You should never need dietary suppliments from these so called health food stores. That is a sure signof improoper diet. All you need is available in normal food.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

this has been realy helpful thank you

posted by Anonymous
same here  add a comment

Answer by  tschebyshev (252)

I don't think there is irrefutable evidence, but it seems pretty clear that a vegan diet is healthier than diets that include meat and dairy products. meat consumption has been strongly linked to all sorts of diseases like cardiovascular disease and various cancers.

posted by Anonymous
It has nothing to do with meat or dairy. It's junk food, fast food. You want to have a healthy diet? Just don't have junk/fast food and you'll be fine.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
It's ecessive meat amd dairy products that have been linked to health problems. Excessive consumption of vegetables have been linked to leahtih problems as well. It has nothign to do with meat or no meat. Excesse. Period. No matter what you eat. Your statement is not clear.  add a comment

Answer by  siageah (36)

People are vegan for a variety of reasons. Many are vegan for health reasons. They feel that consuming a diet that is free of all animal products is a healthier choice for them. Some are vegan for moral reasons. They consider consuming any animal products or byproducts to be immoral and inhumane toward the animals.

posted by Anonymous
Most veganism I have found to be not so much about diet but more about a political statement if not down right rebellion.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

People are willing to destroy a life primarily for the sake of a satisfying meal. But what sickens me the most is that we don't need meat to survive, and yet we are killing all these intelligent beings with intelligent lives! I value every creature big and small be it fly chicken horse or dog. And you should too!


Answer by  Anonymous

Actually people are not vegetarians. People are omnivors. People who conside themseles vegetarians are just omnivors who prefer to not eat meat. Vegans on the other hand are just nut cases who are more about their twisted culture and cause and little about diet.


Answer by  Anonymous

Also people are vegan because they don't want to drink milk or eat meat from animals that have been pumped for of hormones and antibiotics it is'nt natural or good for you.

posted by Anonymous
It's fact that milk is extremely healthy and beneficial.....but it is probably true that the hormones and antibiotics are not good.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

no-one can truely be a vegan because without meat you do not get vitamin b12 without which you will die and the b12 supliments are made from boiling meat bones.

posted by Anonymous
not true! B-12 is made from yeast which technically is a living organism but in breathing and bathing and general living we are inadvertently killing microorganisms. Most vegans eat yeast.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
I know first hand that the vegans and veggie people who take b12 (due to their not eatign properly), have a very weird body funk. That's fact.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

I became vegan because I thought it was gross that I was eating something that came out of an animal. Ugh, do you really think I want to eat a skeleton? Becoming vegan doesn't stop animals from being killed, so "morality" has nothing to do with it!


Answer by  Anonymous

Becasue they have a twisted view of health and conservation.


Answer by  Anonymous

one reason I know why some people don't like to drink milk is because it produces a mucous inside the body that cancer cells "feed" on and by not drinking milk, or dairy, it practically starves the cancer cells.


Answer by  Anonymous

I understand vegetarianism, but not being a vegan. If you are a vegan, do you not wear wool, which is natural? Rayon and nylon are much worse for than environment than shearing sheep. And what about destroying habitat for your wheat fields? I do not understand.


Answer by  Anonymous

Because they feel like it and they can be.


Answer by  Anonymous

because they care about this bloody lovely planet

posted by Anonymous
Being a vrgan does nothing to help the planet. Eating meat and usign animal products does nothing to harm the planet, quite the keeps what God nade in balance,  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

Question is; why arent you?


Answer by  AndrewAugustine (19)

In short answer, my brother is a vegan and is only doing so because his wife is strictly vegan and they want to cut down their grocery's budget. On the other hand, he also got a dog and I guess animal sympathy got the best of him.

posted by Anonymous
In order to replace the vitamins and proteins you don't get with meats and dairy, your grocery bill will likely rise. If you aren't replacing them, then you are just starving your body of nutrients it needs and you will see the effects sooner or later.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

im a vegetarian, and why would you want to be a part of something that harms animals?


Answer by  Anonymous

Being vegan is better.


Answer by  Anonymous

because they are not blind the the cruel and hideous abuse around them


Answer by  Anonymous

Thank you very much for this useful information, it has really helped me with my Science Homework - Biology! Thanks


Answer by  Anonymous

I always thank God for a good meal without flesh and blood! Oh man! These watercress, cattail buds, waterlily, lotus root,... around the pond surely stuff me good! I should start running like a rabbit or I will become an elephant soon! Thanks for all these great stuffs, God!


Answer by  Anonymous

I know this sounds obscene,but maybe vegans assume that cattle farmers are beastial,and like to molest their cows??????


Answer by  Anonymous

i think people should eat what they want not what others eat.


Answer by  Anonymous

Who would want to be vegan?

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