

Question by  KT (24)

Why are my hydrangeas not blooming?


Answer by  vidito1 (68)

A couple of things may have gone wrong. Were the bushes pruned the previous year? Hydrangeas bloom on old wood, and if the old wood was cut back, there will not be any blooms. Or was there a late freeze? This may have damaged the buds that were on the previous years wood. Damaged old wood equates to no flowers.


Answer by  quisqualis (1756)

Hydrangeas first need to produce a stem of the right length, and then it forms a bud and blooms. When hydrangeas are pruned hard, this tends to postpone bloom.


Answer by  Ruby40 (372)

One possible reason is not the right kind of fertilizer. I have a lot of luck fertilizing with old milk. Just make sure pets can't get to it.


Answer by  christiela (29)

Could be one of many things; Was it overpruned during fall/winter? A late spring freeze could have arrived, thereby ruining the developing buds, or, your hydrangea is not cold hardy in your area. Try another variety more suited to your area from a local nursery.


Answer by  Sett (1838)

Sometimes the extreme winter temperatures and damage the hydrangeas, also make sure you are pruning properly and they are getting the right amount of water.


Answer by  kangaroodoyle (324)

Hydrangeas need full morning sun to promote flowering. Plants placed in shaded areas will have healthy foliage but no flowers. To ensure flowering they need 4-5 hours of morning sun each day. Avoid the hotter afternoon and midday sun as it will burn the flowers and leaves. Plant them in an area that provides these conditions.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

Hydrangeas love dry soil and phosphorus. Fish oil products are an easy and inexpensive treat for hydrangeas, it also tends to induce greener leaves and brighter colors in the flowers.

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