Could the pain and numbness I am having from my shoulder to my elbow and my hand becoming numb and ice cold be related to an accident that I had last year in which both hands were injured as the airbag deployed?
What can be done for elbow pain when throwing a baseball?
What causes canine elbow lumps?
What could cause pain from your armpit to your elbow?
What could cause spongy swelling of the elbow?
What is little league elbow and how do you treat it?
What is the treatment for elbow als?
Question by fayhound (16)
I put lotion on them.
Answer by er (157)
Elbows can be dry due to weather conditions. Also, you might be using your elbows alot to prop yourself. Eczema could also be the cause.
Answer by leah84 (1043)
Elbows are one of the most used areas on the body. You are constantly moving your elbows or resting on them. Most of the time your elbows will be dry from resting on them or wearing long sleeved shirts.
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