

Question by  Anonymous

Why are Irish people always portrayed in tv shows as alcoholics?


Answer by  ohya (6)

the pub is a major social scene in ireland as the weather permits little else, but the stereotypical view of irish people being constantly drunk is far from the truth, i'd say were more part time boozers, we make our weekends count!!


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Beer and Pubs are a big part of Irish Culture. Irish people grow up with these traditions from childhood. Since America is not like this people think they are alcoholics.


Answer by  crazycool (145)

A lot of it is anti-immigrant propaganda. The Irish immigrants were not looked upon well in the US when they came here.


Answer by  eilish191 (13)

I'm Irish and its not part of our culture and its not traditional. We just like to drink and what is wrong with that?


Answer by  smozie (31)

just a steryotype i think... its like the italians having big noses, or the french beign rude bastards... i think every nation has something about them, oh yeah and the americans beign dumb as fcuk!!


Answer by  smd4newsboys (95)

The Irish culture is one very centered around liquor as such television often takes humor in overexagerating this by making most irish people alcoholics.


Answer by  Anonymous

because we are

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