


Question by  occfiregirl (127)

Whose picture was on the different Confederate bills?


Answer by  SPY (16)

In confederate bills 2 showed the picture of George Washington, 1 showed a picture of Jefferson Davis, and the other two showed people culling cotton and the other two showed marine and train vignettes. consequence also showed multiple vignettes of gods, goddesses and allegorical deities such as "trust", "justness" and Ceres All except the Jefferson Davis.


Answer by  Roger70 (107)

The confederacy issued seven issues of currency, and used images of George Washington, R.M.T. Hunter, C.G. Memminger, Alexander Stephens and Jefferson Davis in the 1861 issue.


Answer by  Ultimate (399)

The appearance of Confederate bills was made in conjunction with the US civil war and as such many variations can be found so I will list some of the more famous bills for example on the Confederate $100 slaves can clearly be seen tending fields for more information do a search on "Confederate States of America dollar"

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