who is

 who is


Question by  rajanonline (30)

Who is Lunda Hoyle Gill?


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

Lunda Hoyle Gill is an artist best known for recording the cultures of aboriginal peoples from around the world. She lived a long life, passing in 2003 after traveling the world and leaving a remarkable vision for us to share.


Answer by  esteban (1334)

Lunda Hoyle Gill is an American artist from Covina California who specializes in easel painting using oil paints. She is probably best known for her work that features Native American figures. She was a student of the Chouinard Art School in Los Angeles, California. She has had displays in many major museums.


Answer by  dauber22 (13)

She was an American painter who lived from 1928 to 2003. She depicted people of different ethnic backgrounds, particularly natives of cultures that were slowly disappearing, in places such as China, New Guinea, Northern Africa, and the Far North. Her work hangs in a number of famous museums.


Answer by  Anonymous

Lunda had two books of her paintings published by Tony Crawford of Australia - one on China ethnic peoples 'Portraits of China', the other by Susan Cohen 'Before the Rainbow Fades', using Lunda's paintings of vanishing Israeli cultures. Lunda was a unique artist, often using a knife not a brush.

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