

Question by  senegaulois (139)

Which vines can grow under redwood trees?


Answer by  Dary (111)

Vinca vine will grow up under redwood trees. The only problem is that you have to watch them because they will wrap themselves around the tree.


Answer by  choctaw (361)

Honeysuckle, lilacs, morning glory, kiwi, cats claw, passion flowers and almost any vine that grows in the shade. However, vines such as Boston ivy and Virginia creeper should not be allowed to grow as they have roots that can damage the tree.


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

The Vinca vine has been found to grow in many places. It grows under trees, along fences, up houses, and along the ground. It doesn't matter which direction, North, East, South, or West. It creeps and attaches its root system to the soil and produces new plants. It grows in many kinds of soils,from the best soil to just rock.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

The vines that grow under redwood trees are very long and they are called trumpet vines. If you would like to grow them, place the seeds in the direction you would like the growth to go. Make sure you use a nutrient rich soil that will cultivate the plants properly.


Answer by  XGEOOSH (38)

lilacs,kiwi,Honeysuckle,cats claw, passion flowers and almost any vine that grows in the shade.vines such as Boston ivy should not be allowed to grow as their roots can damage the tree.Vinca Vine grows almost anywhere and should be watched as they wrap themselves around the tree so they can climb it and if the tree is weak, they will choke it.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

I know a Vinca Vine will grow almost anywhere the only problem with them is you have to watch them because they will wrap themselves around the tree so they can climb it and if they tree has any weak spots they will choke it out and kill it but they will grow there.

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