

Question by  112742 (67)

Which is better: Wifi or DSL?

I heard both of them were unreliable.


Answer by  km8738 (1917)

Well you can have both. WIFI is what comes out of your router from a cable modem or DSL modem. In my experience, DSL is much more reliable than Cable. DSL speeds are very stable, while cable modem speeds tend to vary (sometimes getting very slow) depending on your ISPs workload and the time of day.


Answer by  lgk (2426)

DSL is better then WiFi for many reasons. First, you have a hard line to your modem, and it can not be interrupted by weather. Second, you do not have to worry about WEP and people stealing your band with. It is also way cheaper and easier to trouble shoot.


Answer by  phrogi (79)

DSL is going to be more reliable if you subscribe to a phone or cable service. WIfi can be less reliable but sometimes I find that it works better with certain applications. Depending what kind of device you are wanting to use it for will determine which service is better for you.

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