

Question by  miso (22)

Which is better, Avon or Mary Kay?


Answer by  Amber (23)

Both Avon and Mary Kay have great products, and are well known for doing more than just selling. I believe, however, that Avon is the better of the two. Unlike Mary Kay, Avon has more variety in products, like jewelry and men's products. Plus Avon is more affordable.


Answer by  Martha (43)

Mary Kay has an extensive selection of products suitable for different skin types and colors, particularly darker skin tones that are difficult to match. Mary Kay has a good selection of classic products and new items.


Answer by  valerena (18)

I like Avon cosmetics because they are very affordable. They also have a huge selection of products and they always come out with something new and exciting on a regular basis. I have used Mary Kay before but they are so overly priced.


Answer by  ivalis (63)

Both companies have great products but if you compare Avon and Mary Kay as a start-up business, Avon has a lower start-up cost of $10.00 then Mary Kay.

Reply by dianne238 (1):
you said ,the cost to start your Avon business is much lower than the cost to start with Mary Kay. $10 with Avon only give you 10 books. flyer,and some sample ,but that #100 with Mary Kay gives you over #323 in full size product and educational materials case solved  add a comment
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