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Question by  Jes (17)

Where will the next Olympics be?

I love watching the Olympics.


Answer by  eelsquad (17)

The next Olympics will be the Winter Olympics held in Vancouver, Canada. The Opening ceremonies will be held February 12, 2010 and the games will continue until February 28, 2010. The next Summer Olympics will be held in London, UK in the year 2012.


Answer by  KathyB (276)

The 2010 Winter Olympics will be in Vancouver, B. C. Opening day is February 12 and closing day is February 28. NBC-TV has coverage. I'm not allowed to post links here. Check the NBC website and you can see a lot of information and details there.


Answer by  Steve14 (16)

The next Winter Olympic Games will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from Feruary 12th through the 28th. The Summer Olympics which will be hosted by London, United Kingdom will take place in 2012 and will run from July 27th to August 12th. London will become the first city to host the modern Olympic Games three times.


Answer by  catch2007 (212)

The next Olympics are the 2010 Winter Olympics to be held in Vancouver, Canada. They will begin on February 12 and run through February 28.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

The next Olympics is the 2010 Winter Olympics, which will be held in British Columbia, Canada (primarily in Vancouver, B. C. ).


Answer by  Westcoast8891 (9)

The winter 2010 Olympics will be in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The summer 2012 Olympics will be held in London England.

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